2.2 Division of Airspace

2.2.1 In order to facilitate the provision of an ATS, the airspace is divided as detailed in the following paragraphs.

2.2.2 Particulars of the various airspace implemented in XZ division can be obtained, where possible, from the VAIP.


2.2.3 FIRs are airspace’s of defined dimensions within which Flight Information Service and Alerting Service are provided.

2.2.4 ICAO Regional Meetings determine the boundaries of the FIRs in order to allocate responsibility for the provision of the ATS to specified States.

2.2.5 States are expected to divide the airspace’s within their FIRs into the following types of airspace as necessary for the efficient provision of the ATS to the expected air traffic;

  1. Controlled Airspace;
  2. Advisory Airspace; and
  3. Information Airspace.


2.2.6 Aircraft operating in this airspace are proved with a full air traffic control service in accordance with the airspace classification. Controlled airspace are sub-divided into the following types:-

  1. Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ)
  2. Control Zone (CTR)
  3. Control Area (CTA) and Upper Control Area (UTA)
  4. Terminal Control Area (TMA)
  5. Airway (AWY)
  6. RNAV

Note 1: Airways are indicated on aeronautical charts by parallel lines indicating the width of the Airway, normally 10 nm

Note 2: Airways and RNAV routes have designators starting a letter e.g. Q, R, T or Z – or in the case of Upper Airway preceded by the letter U – followed by 2 or 3 numbers, e.g: Z2, UZ2, UQ10, R987, UR987



2.2.7 In advisory airspace all participating IFR flights receive an air traffic advisory service and ALL flights receive flight information service if requested.

  • NOT used virtually in the XZ division.


2.2.8 Air Traffic Control Service is not provided in uncontrolled airspace, only information useful to the safe and efficient conduct of flights is provided.

2.2.9 Designated uncontrolled airspace include:

  1. Flying Training Areas
    • The designated flying areas are shown on aeronautical maps and described in the VAIP.
  2. Prohibited, Restricted or Danger Areas
  3. These are shown on aeronautical maps. They may intrude into or be encircled by controlled airspace.
  4. Information Routes
    • Frequently flown routes through uncontrolled airspace. They are shown on charts by a single line with the appropriate letter of the route number and the letter F. e.g. W86F.