4.5 Holding and Approach Sequence

4.5.1 Aircraft will be held and sequenced in the following manner:-

  1. Aircraft in the hold
    1. The aircraft at the lowest level in the holding stack will normally be the 1st aircraft cleared to commence approach. APP will, whenever possible, clear aircraft into the holding stack at the lowest level available in the order in which they are estimated to arrive over the holding point. However, special priority may be given in accordance with the type of flight priorities. The next aircraft in the approach sequence may be instructed to descend to the altitude/level previously occupied by the preceding aircraft after such aircraft has vacated the altitude/level by at least 1000ft.

    Note: Care should be taken when clearing aircraft to the level which has just been vacated by a preceding aircraft that standard vertical separation is maintained.

  2. Approach sequence
  3. The approach sequence shall be established in a manner which will facilitate arrival of the maximum number of aircraft with the least average delay. Priority shall be given to:

    1. An aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting the safe operation of the aircraft (engine failure, shortage of fuel, etc);
    2. Hospital aircraft or aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured person requiring urgent medical attention;
  4. The second aircraft shall be cleared to leave the holding point at a specified time and to descent for approach when the:-
    1. preceding aircraft is on final that the pilot has the runway in sight and is able to complete the approach with visual reference to the runway; or
    2. preceding aircraft’s position and level have been ascertained by means of radar and reasonable assurance exists that a normal landing can be accomplished.