4.3 Procedures for Departing Aircraft

4.3.1 Clearances for departing aircraft shall specify, when necessary for the separation of aircraft, direction of take-off and turn after take-off; heading or track to be made good before taking up the cleared departure track; level to maintain before continuing climb to assigned level; time, point and /or rate at which a level change shall be made; and any other necessary manoeuvre consistent with safe operation of the aircraft.

4.3.2 At aerodromes where SIDs has been established, departing aircraft should normally be cleared to follow the appropriate SID. (See ATC Ops -> Division ATC Procedures)

4.3.3 Clearances will be obtained through the APP unit and this will imply that there will be a minimum delay on departure.

Note:By default all departing VFR flights that filed FPL’s with a routing through the TMA must be routed out via the CTR into uncontrolled airspace below the TMA. Check with APP if the traffic will be allowed to depart directly into the TMA. If not, once clear of the CTR, the pilot can contact APP for further climb and routing. The reason is most VFR aircraft are really slow and can cause congestion in the TMA and cause delays on departure for faster aircraft behind.


4.3.4 APP clearances to departing flights shall specify the following:-

  1. Runway for take-off;
  2. Direction of turn after take-off; or the designator of the assigned SID, if applicable;
  3. Clearance limit, if no SID is used;
  4. departure frequency; if applicable
  5. Allocated SSR code

4.3.5 Departing aircraft may be expedited by suggesting a take-off direction which is not into wind. It is the responsibility of the pilot to decide between making such a take-off or waiting for normal take-off in a preferred direction.

4.3.6 Flights will normally be cleared in the order in which they call for clearance, but discretion may be used by APP in varying this order to reduce overall traffic delay.